Research Lines:

Employee Ownership Research

Innovation and Resilience Research

Election Research

Research Workshops

Creativity and Improvisation

Loss and Resilience

Election Research


New Publications:

“The Power of Moral Purpose: Sandler O'Neill & Partners in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001” Organizational Development Journal (December 2004) ... more publications ...

New Research Reports:

The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy"
... more publications ...
... more Research on the 2004 US Presidential Election ...

New Working Papers & Presentations:

Success under Adversity: Differentiating Leaders from Laggards during Hard Times in the Printing Industry Rochester, NY November 16-17, 2004)
... more working papers & presentations ...


In addition to standard academic research, I write teaching cases based on field research. Unlike Harvard Business School cases in which the protagonist is typically the CEO of a major corporation or on the fast track to climb to such a post, my cases are about regular people I meet who are trying to make a living while making a satisfying life -- often in creative, innovative ways -- and the challenges they face in doing so.
.. more cases...

Awards and Grants: 

2004 Best Teaching Case. Vegetales Cortados, SA Startup Strategy (2004) 2003 Best Practice Paper, Organization Change and Development Division, National Academy of Management .. more awards & grants ...


Research on Loss and Resilience

I've been studying the effects of loss and adversity on organizations and individuals at work since I began my PhD. My dissertation (1998) and related articles explored why it took so long for the North American auto industry in the 1960s, 70s and 80s to respond to Japanese advances in design and manufacturing. Doing research on the World Center firms attacked on Sept 11, 2001, I began to shift my research focus to resilience -- how firms can respond effectively to adversity and uncertainty.

Research involving loss and resilience includes why some organizations and entrepreneurs succeed despite adversity; how to build resilience into organizational design, and generally how to prepare for the unexpected. Current research explores thriving firms in difficult environments, primarily the Printing Industry and various Latin American countries. Additional applications include work with NASA and University Hospitals on safety, with firms on I'm working on include: understanding how some firms thrive despite economic adversity.

New Publications:

“The Power of Moral Purpose: Sandler O'Neill & Partners in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001” Organizational Development Journal (December 2004) ... more publications ...

New Working Papers & Presentations:

Success Under Adversity: Differentiating Leaders from Laggards during Hard Times in the Printing Industry
Rochester, NY November 16-17, 2004) ... more working papers & presentations ...

The Role of Moral Purpose in Sandler O’Neil’s Post-9/11 recovery presentation at the Academy of Management national meeting  

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